Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Visiting friends in Transcarpathia

On the 1-5th of August our Hope and Life team was visiting different Christian fellowships in Transcarpathia, Ukraine. It was a joy to see young but strong families, happy children and people who can really enjoy life God has given them! Ministry families and friends from Poughkeepsie (NY) Uzhgorod, Perechin, Pavlovo, Mukachevo, Svaliava, Mizhgiria, Hust and Irshava say they love you in Jesus Christ! If you see familiar faces - you can send them greetings through me, they will be glad!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


We r painting our own room!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Adventures in Carpathian mountains

"If you want to test your friend - take him to the mountains!" - as a song of Vladimir Vysotskiy goes. We spent three days in Carpathian mountains in the beginning of July and it was the best experience I have had outdoors in the last couple years! A group of 14 young people (from 10 to hm-m-m 37...that is me) was hiking, climbing, dying, resurrecting again, being amazed by God's surprizes (like hundreds of tiny butterflies sticking to your body; or a herd of beautiful horses meet you on the very top of mountains!) . Look at these pictures and breath in the freshest air, look at the best colors, smell unique flowers, touch the horses and ask yourself - ISN'T HE WHO CREATED ALL THAT WORTHY TO BE WORSHIPPED?